what is a scorched earth letter

what is a scorched earth letter

1 year ago 48

A scorched earth letter is a hostile resignation letter that seeks to avenge the employee by venting all manner of general complaints and pointed criticism of bosses, colleagues, or the organization as a whole. It is a metaphor with military origins that refers to a combat strategy calling for the destruction of all resources to quash their usefulness in enemy hands. The tone of a scorched earth letter can be angry, bitter, malicious, or mocking, and it might include insults, accusations, and threats, and be laced with outlandish exaggeration. Scorched earth letters can be a playful or therapeutic way to savor the moment when your employer-aimed fury boils over in a potent, colorful concoction of vitriolic venting, biting barbs, and scalding sarcasm, but only inside the confines of your wildest dreams. It is important to note that scorched earth letters should only be written as a therapeutic measure, and not sent to the employer, as it can burn bridges and harm future job prospects. Instead, employees leaving a company should try to take the high road if possible and write a clear, courteous, and concise letter of departure from the organization.

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