A scrimmage touchdown is not a commonly used term in football, and there is no clear definition of it. However, we can define the term "scrimmage" in football. A play from scrimmage is the sequence in the game of gridiron football during which one team tries to advance the ball, get a first down, or score, and the other team tries to stop them or take the ball away. The play will begin with the snap of the ball and it will end when the effort by the offensive squad to advance the ball has either succeeded in scoring, or has been frustrated by the ball being downed before the aim of the offensive play is accomplished, or by the defensive squad having managed to come into possession of the ball without first downing it.
Yards from scrimmage is a statistical measure in football that refers to the total amount of yards gained by the offensive team as they move the ball forward from the line of scrimmage towards their opponent’s goal line. When counting yards from scrimmage, if a team rushes the ball, the player who carries the ball is given the yardage credit. When a team passes the ball, the player who catches the ball is given the yards from scrimmage credit.
In conclusion, while there is no clear definition of a scrimmage touchdown, we can define the term "scrimmage" in football as the sequence in the game of gridiron football during which one team tries to advance the ball, get a first down, or score, and the other team tries to stop them or take the ball away. Yards from scrimmage is a statistical measure in football that refers to the total amount of yards gained by the offensive team as they move the ball forward from the line of scrimmage towards their opponent’s goal line.