A scrimmage touchdown is not a commonly used term in football, and there is no clear definition of it in the search results. However, a touchdown is scored when a team advances the ball into the opposing teams end zone, either by carrying the ball across the goal line or catching a pass in the end zone. A play from scrimmage is the sequence in the game of football during which one team tries to advance the ball, get a first down, or score, and the other team tries to stop them or take the ball away. The play will begin with the snap of the ball and it will end when the effort by the offensive squad to advance the ball has either succeeded in scoring, or has been frustrated by the ball being downed before the aim of the offensive play is accomplished, or by the defensive squad having managed to come into possession of the ball without first downing it. The line of scrimmage is an imaginary transverse line beyond which a team cannot cross until the next play has begun. Each time players line up on the line of scrimmage, it signals the start of a new down. The goal for each team is to move the ball 10 yards down the field.