what is a seasonal job

what is a seasonal job

1 year ago 35

A seasonal job is a temporary employment that recurs around the same time every year and can range in duration from a few weeks to a few months. Seasonal jobs are typically characterized by a burst of activity during specific times of the year, such as airline jobs during busy travel periods or childcare during summer break. They are offered to meet organizational needs due to an increase in demand for products or services during certain seasons or holidays. Most seasonal employment is part-time, though some full-time positions are available. Depending on the employer, the location, and the time of year, a seasonal job might only last a few weeks or continue for several months. Seasonal employment does not include any year-round positions. Seasonal jobs can be a great way to explore different industries and roles without the commitment of a full-time job. They can also be a stepping stone to a permanent job, as many businesses screen their seasonal workers to find good candidates.

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