what is a sigil

what is a sigil

1 year ago 40

A sigil is a symbol used in magic with the intention of changing ones reality and fulfilling ones desires. The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum, meaning "seal". Historically, the term sigil referred to a type of pictorial signature of an angel, daemon, or spirit. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioners desired outcome.

The sigil making process is composed of two phases: construction and charging. In the first part, the sigil is drawn and created as a physical object. In the second part, the sigil is given energy or “charged” and it becomes more than a simple drawing. The sigil itself does not contain magical abilities but operates as the mode of transportation into the unconscious mind, which is why it is important to create ones own sigils.

The benefits of creating sigils include self-reflection, creativity, willpower, and ritual to manifest ones desires. The sigil making process can be used for various purposes, such as attracting a romantic partner, setting strong boundaries, being more financially prosperous, or healing ones inner child. The intention setting is crucial, and crafting a sigil begins by coming up with a sentence or phrase that best encapsulates what one would like to achieve. The sigil making process can be done in various ways, such as drawing, carving, or burning.

In summary, a sigil is a symbol with a mystical or magical meaning used in magic to represent the practitioners desired outcome. The sigil making process is composed of two phases: construction and charging, and it can be used for various purposes.

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