A sigma male is a man who chooses to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy structures of alpha and beta males. They are characterized as being highly independent and original with little or no regard to societal perceptions. Here are some key traits and characteristics of a sigma male:
Lone wolf: Sigma males tend to be loners who prefer a solitary lifestyle and are more of a recluse.
Flexibility: They can adjust to different situations and environments and get along with people of different personality types.
Self-reliance: Sigma males are adaptable and dont need other peoples approval or attention. They are individualistic, strong, and can care for themselves.
Leadership: They have innate leadership skills, which make them lead by example and not by dominance. They are true leaders but dont seek the spotlight.
No drama: Sigma males are often uninvolved in squabbles, rivalries, competitions, or other interpersonal problems that have nothing to do with them. They can make good mediators since they’re generally clear-headed and “above the drama”.
Attractiveness: The humble mystery of sigma men can attract interest, both romantically and socially in general. People pay attention to sigmas to “figure them out” and may even try to impress or court them to get closer to them.
Sigma males are not manipulative and will not manipulate others to get things done. They are attracted to women who are self-confident and independent like them. Sigma males are not average guys, and what sets them apart from the rest is their decision to walk the solitary path and color outside the lines.