In the Cyberpunk universe, a Solo is a type of character class that specializes in combat skills, whether on the battlefield or as private "hired muscle". Solos are essentially lone mercenaries who work as hitmen, bodyguards, or any other role that pays well and involves violence. They are guns-for-hire who work for the highest bidder and can normally be found in the employ of megacorporations. The Solo class is primarily fighters and is essentially Cyberpunk 2077’s answer to the warrior or DPS class. They take advantage of skills in a wide variety of weapons and both armed and unarmed combat proficiencies, as well as combinations of heightened perception, stealth, and athletics. The Solo class’ signature ability is ‘Combat Sense’, which gives them an increased sense of imminent dangers, traps, and general harm.
To increase Solo skills in Cyberpunk 2077, players can make use of heavy weapons, blunt weapons, unarmed fists, and the Gorilla Arms cyberware. The more players use these armaments in combat, the faster they will rank up with this particular set of abilities. Players can also acquire passive bonuses by increasing their Cyberpunk 2077 Solo skill, such as increased carrying capacity, health, perk points, attack damage and speed, crit chance, and damage with strong attacks and quick melee attacks.
In summary, a Solo in Cyberpunk is a combat specialist who works as a mercenary and specializes in combat skills, whether on the battlefield or as private "hired muscle". They are essentially lone mercenaries who work as hitmen, bodyguards, or any other role that pays well and involves violence. The Solo class is primarily fighters and is essentially Cyberpunk 2077’s answer to the warrior or DPS class. They take advantage of skills in a wide variety of weapons and both armed and unarmed combat proficiencies, as well as combinations of heightened perception, stealth, and athletics. To increase Solo skills in Cyberpunk 2077, players can make use of heavy weapons, blunt weapons, unarmed fists, and the Gorilla Arms cyberware.