what is a somatic workout

what is a somatic workout

1 year ago 122

Somatic workout is a type of exercise that focuses on slow and intentional movements to better understand the body-mind connection. It involves performing movement for the sake of movement, while focusing on your inner experience as you move and expand your internal awareness. Somatic exercises require listening internally to how various parts of your body feel, and using that awareness to release tension. Somatics is a body-oriented approach that’s used to better understand pain, discomfort, and imbalances in the body. The idea of somatics was first introduced in the 1970s by Thomas Hanna, Ph.D., who described the practice as movement and relaxation techniques to help people increase bodily awareness.

Somatic exercises offer a range of mental and physical health benefits, including pain relief, stress relief, increased emotional awareness, better posture and alignment, and better balance. Somatic practices also appear to have some benefit for improving balance and coordination while increasing range of movement, especially in older adults.

Many types of somatic exercises exist, including rolfing, Body-Mind Centering, Alexander technique, Feldenkrais method, and Laban movement analysis. Other exercises, including some you know and use regularly, can also be considered somatic, such as gentle somatic yoga, somatic movement relaxation, and clinical somatics exercise.

Somatic exercises can be learned on your own, such as through YouTube videos or certified classes, but it’s generally recommended to work with a trained practitioner first, especially if you have an existing injury or some uncertainty about the best exercises for your needs. Somatics can pose some risks when it’s not practiced properly, so it’s highly recommended to work with a practitioner who has specialized training.

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