what is a sort code for a bank

what is a sort code for a bank

1 year ago 34

A sort code is a six-digit numerical code that identifies a specific bank and branch where a bank account was initially opened. It is used in the UK banking system to indicate where payment is going or coming from. When you open a bank account in the UK, your bank will give you an account number and sort code. These two strings of numbers are the foundation of your bank account and allow for money to be transferred into your account.

You can find your sort code in several ways, including:

  • On your debit card, where it will be on the front of your card under your name and next to your account number.
  • In your online banking account or mobile app, where it should be located under your account name or type, next to the account number.
  • On your bank statements, where your sort code should be shown somewhere near your account number.
  • On your chequebook, where your sort code should be printed on the bottom left corner of each cheque, along with your account number and cheque number.

A sort code is required when making domestic or international wire transfers. If the sort code is incorrect or missing, the transfer may not be successful.

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