what is a stinger injury

what is a stinger injury

1 year ago 110

A stinger injury, also known as a burner or nerve pinch injury, is a neurological injury that primarily affects athletes participating in high-contact sports such as ice hockey, rugby, American football, and wrestling. This type of injury occurs when the nerves in the neck and shoulder are stretched or compressed (squeezed together) after an impact. Stingers are characterized by a shooting or stinging pain that travels down one arm, followed by numbness and weakness in the affected arm, including the biceps, deltoid, and spinati muscles.

The brachial plexus, a network of nerves that provides feeling and muscle control in the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, and fingers, is often affected in stinger injuries. The brachial plexus is formed by the anterior rami of the nerves at the 5th cervical level of the spinal cord to the nerves at the 1st thoracic level of the spinal cord. This injury can occur when the head is forcefully pushed sideways and down, bending the neck and pinching the surrounding nerves.

Stingers are usually temporary, and symptoms quickly go away in most cases. However, in some instances, more severe stinger injuries may require treatment, such as working with a physical therapist or trainer to keep the muscles strong during healing. It is important to rule out more serious conditions, such as a spine fracture, through appropriate medical tests.

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