what is a stitch on tiktok

what is a stitch on tiktok

1 year ago 35

On TikTok, a stitch is a creation tool that allows users to combine another video on TikTok with one theyre creating. If you allow another person to stitch with your video, they can use a part of your video as a part of their own video. Stitching allows users to build on other creators content to produce something new and unique. The stitch feature on TikTok allows users to splice together multiple videos from other TikTok creators to create a new, original video. Users can use up to five seconds of another persons video in their stitch. When stitching on TikTok, users should think about the overall story they want to tell with their video, as stitching can help add context and connect different scenes. Stitching can also be used to show off performance-based talents, such as music or dance. To use the stitch feature, users can follow the instructions provided in the TikTok app.

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