A surge protector is a device that is designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes in alternating current (AC) circuits. Voltage spikes are transient events that may last from 1 to 30 microseconds and can reach over 1,000 volts. Surge protectors use a specialized circuit that redirects spikes of electricity right into the ground without going through the electrical device, thereby protecting it from damage. Surge protectors can be used for any reason that a power strip can be used for, but they also protect devices from a flux in electricity. Surge protectors employ one of two devices to diffuse the unwanted voltage: metal oxide varistor (MOV) or gas discharge arrestors (GDT) . The most common device used is MOV, which is placed inside the surge protector to "absorb" any excess voltage and then act as a "shunt" resistor to divert the excess current to the ground. Surge protectors are essential for devices with memory and sensitive electronic circuitry, such as PCs, computer peripherals, TVs, DVRs, cable boxes, satellite receivers, sound systems, and other home theater components.