what is a switch urban dictionary

what is a switch urban dictionary

1 year ago 38

According to the search results from Urban Dictionary, the term "switch" has multiple meanings. Here are the definitions:

  • Switch: A person who vacillates between dominant and submissive roles within sexual relations.
  • Switch: A term used for someone who is considered slutty, promiscuous, or just a plain showoff. Usually used for women but also sometimes for effeminate or gay men.
  • Switch type: Can be dominant or submissive during intimate role play. To switch between either roles is being a switch type.
  • The switch: Most commonly used as a term to negatively express the passing of time with extreme inactivity or waiting. Very similar to the term "Grab Ass".
  • Switchs: When an escort posts enticing hot pics online of someone else to pull in punters in the hope that they either will have forgotten by the time they turn up.

It is important to note that Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced website where users can submit their own definitions, so the accuracy and reliability of the information may vary.

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