what is a t visa

what is a t visa

1 year ago 44

A T visa is a type of visa that allows certain victims of human trafficking and their immediate family members to remain and work temporarily in the United States. The T visa was created in 2000 as part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act to provide protection to victims of severe forms of trafficking and allow them to remain in the U.S. temporarily. The T visa allows victims to remain in the United States to heal, stabilize, and assist law enforcement agencies in the detection, investigation, and prosecution of human trafficking cases. To be eligible for a T visa, an individual must be a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons, be present in the United States due to trafficking, and comply with any reasonable request for assistance in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking. Once a T visa is granted, a victim may be eligible for permanent residence if they have been continuously physically present in the United States for 3 years after first being lawfully admitted as a T nonimmigrant, or if they have been continuously physically present in the United States during the investigation or prosecution of the trafficking and the investigation or prosecution is complete, whichever occurs earlier, and if they meet other eligibility requirements.

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