what is a teething necklace

what is a teething necklace

1 year ago 41

A teething necklace is a type of necklace marketed to relieve teething pain in babies and children. They are made of various materials such as amber, wood, marble, silicone, and rubber. Amber teething necklaces are made from non-toxic amber beads joined together on a strong thread, in order to prevent the beads from breaking off. These amber stones contain a natural substance known as succinic acid, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties. When the necklace is worn against the skin, it warms up to match our body temperature which then releases this amber acid that is absorbed into the bloodstream. However, there is no scientific research or evidence to back up these claims. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning against using teething necklaces due to the risk of choking and strangulation. The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics also warn parents and caregivers not to use amber teething necklaces on babies and toddlers. Therefore, it is not recommended to use teething necklaces as a solution for teething pain in babies and children.

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