what is a tempo run

what is a tempo run

1 year ago 36

A tempo run is a type of speed workout that can help runners improve their speed and endurance. It is a sustained effort run that builds up the bodys ability to run faster for longer periods of time, no matter the race distance. Here are some key points to know about tempo runs:

  • Pace: A true tempo run is at a pace thats about 25-30 seconds per mile slower than your 5K race pace. However, tempo pace is different for everyone and can be customized to your current running capabilities. It should be the level of effort that you could maintain for roughly an hour or so in a race.

  • Duration: Tempo runs are usually between 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the race distance youre training for. They can also be between 5km and 8km or between 20 minutes and 40 minutes in duration.

  • Effort: Tempo runs are a moderate-to-hard intensity training run. They are done at a sustained effort and relatively fast pace, which helps build both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. The goal is to run faster than your regular pace but for a shorter duration.

  • Benefits: Tempo runs increase your anaerobic threshold, so your body adapts to performing at a higher intensity comfortably. They improve your oxygen efficiency and train your body to perform when fatigued. Tempo runs can help you run faster for longer and are especially helpful for long-distance races such as the half marathon and marathon.

There are different variations of tempo runs, such as progressive tempo runs, which start at a slightly slower pace and build up in speed with every mile. Tempo runs can be done almost anywhere, on the road, on trails, or even on a track. Its important to note that tempo runs should be done after building up a bit of a running base.

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