In Christianity, a testimony is a way of sharing ones relationship with God and how He has worked in ones life. It is a public profession of ones faith journey and can be shared verbally or in writing. A Christian testimony can be about a persons journey to becoming a Christian, also known as a conversion story, or it can be a way in which God has shown up in a persons life. It can be a lesson God has taught them, a reminder He gave, an answered prayer, or a victory over sin. Testimonies come in all shapes and sizes and can involve great struggle and the story of how God helped the person through it. A testimony can include three basic points: life before knowing Christ, how one came to know Christ, and life after receiving Christ. When sharing a testimony, it is important to be honest, real, positive, and to emphasize faith, not feeling. Testimony grows gradually through experiences, and it increases as individuals obey Gods commandments. Testimony grows through the quiet influence of the Holy Ghost, and it can be miraculous and life-changing.