what is a thimble used for in sewing

what is a thimble used for in sewing

1 year ago 35

A thimble is a small cap made to fit a finger, usually made of plastic, metal, leather, or a combination of materials. It is used for hand sewing to protect your fingers from needle pricks and to give you more control, precision, and accuracy. Thimbles are especially important when working with dense materials, such as jeans, coat drapery, and suit fabrics, which can be difficult to hand sew without a thimble. Thimbles come in a variety of materials, including heavy rubber, plastic, and traditional silver metal. They can be purchased from local haberdashery stores or online, and it may take some testing to find one that fits perfectly and is comfortable for prolonged sewing. Thimbles are not necessary for sewing, but once you start using one, you will see the benefits almost immediately.

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