what is a title one school

what is a title one school

1 year ago 37

Title I is a federal education program that provides financial assistance to schools with a high percentage of low-income students throughout the United States. The program was founded in 1965 as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and is the largest federal assistance program for schools. Title I funds are allocated at the district level in all states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, based on mathematical formulas involving the number of children eligible for Title I support and the state per pupil cost of education.

Title I schools are those that receive funding from the Title I program. These schools have a high percentage of low-income students, as determined by the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. All children in Title I schools are eligible for services, and when data indicate the need for interventions either because of low performance or at-risk behaviors, any student is eligible for Title I services. The goal of Title I services is to accelerate academic achievement so that all children meet or exceed state and federal standards of performance.

Title I funds can be used to provide additional teachers, professional development, extra time for teaching, parent involvement activities, and other activities designed to raise student achievement. There are two models used in Title I schools to provide these services: schoolwide reform models and targeted assistance models. Schoolwide reform models provide all students with access to services, while targeted assistance models provide services to select students in Title I schools.

In summary, a Title I school is a school that receives funding from the Title I program, which provides financial assistance to schools with a high percentage of low-income students. These funds can be used to provide additional resources to schools with economically disadvantaged students, such as additional teachers, professional development, and parent involvement activities, with the goal of accelerating academic achievement for all students.

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