what is a torta girl

what is a torta girl

1 year ago 49

According to the search results, the term "torta girl" does not seem to have a clear or widely accepted meaning. However, there are a few possible interpretations based on different sources:

  • In Mexican/LA slang, "torta" can be used as another word for a chubby or overweight girl.
  • "Torta" can also refer to an overweight Hispanic woman who typically wears black leggings, hoops, a wife beater, and Nike sandals.
  • In some cases, "torta" can be used as slang for a lesbian, but mostly within the Argentinean culture.
  • "Torta" can also refer to a thicc Mexican or Hispanic woman, one step above gorditas on the size scale (L vs XL) .

It is important to note that these interpretations are based on informal sources and may not be accurate or appropriate in all contexts. It is always best to use respectful and inclusive language when referring to individuals or groups of people.

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