The acronym TQ has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the most common definitions:
Thank you: TQ is an abbreviation of "thank you" used in internet slang and text messaging.
Total Quality: TQ can also stand for "total quality," which is a term used in the field of electronics.
Te Quiero: In Spanish, TQ is an abbreviation of "te quiero," which means "I love you".
Throttle Quadrant: TQ can refer to a throttle quadrant, which is a device used to control the power output of an aircraft engine.
Technical Quality: TQ is also used in the FQ-TQ methodology as a static quality model for software.
Tourniquet: TQ can refer to a tourniquet, which is a device used to stop bleeding by compressing a blood vessel.
- TQ is an acronym for, a Montreal-based downhill skateboarding blog.
It is important to consider the context in which TQ is used to determine its meaning.