what is a transvestite

what is a transvestite

1 year ago 47

Transvestism is the practice of dressing in a manner traditionally or stereotypically associated with a different gender. The term transvestite was coined by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1910 to refer to persons who habitually and voluntarily wore clothes of the opposite sex. Today, the term transvestite is commonly considered outdated and derogatory, with the term cross-dresser used as a more appropriate replacement. Cross-dressers don’t regard themselves as anything but straight or heterosexual, and so they don’t associate with the LGBTQ community. Drag queens and drag kings are generally not considered transvestites or cross-dressers.

It is important to note that transvestism was historically used to diagnose medical disorders, including mental health disorders, and transvestism was viewed as a disorder. However, the term cross-dresser was coined by the transgender community and is now considered a more appropriate term. Some people who have reclaimed the word transvestite may also use the word tranny or TV to refer to themselves and others.

In summary, a transvestite is a person who dresses in clothing traditionally or stereotypically worn by the other sex, but who generally has no intent to live full-time as the other gender. However, the term transvestite is considered outdated and derogatory, and cross-dresser is now used as a more appropriate term.

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