what is a wife beater tank top

what is a wife beater tank top

1 year ago 136

A wife beater tank top is a sleeveless undershirt that is often made of ribbed cotton and designed for a tight fit. The term "wife beater" is considered offensive by some, and there are several stories about the origins of the name. One story suggests that the name comes from a 1947 criminal case in which a Detroit man was arrested for beating his wife to death while wearing a stained undershirt. Another story suggests that the name evolved from a medieval chain mail undergarment called a "waif-beater". Regardless of its origins, the term "wife beater" has negative connotations and is not an appropriate term to use. Some alternative names for this type of shirt include "undershirt," "A-shirt," "muscle shirt," or "sleeveless shirt". In recent years, some people have attempted to rebrand the shirt with more positive names, such as "wife pleaser". However, these attempts have been met with mixed reactions and have not gained widespread acceptance.

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