what is aag camp

what is aag camp

1 year ago 32

Based on the search results, there are two possible interpretations of "AAG camp." It could refer to the All American Gymnastics and Super Ninja camp, or it could be a typo for ACA (American Camp Association) camp.

If it refers to ACA camp, the American Camp Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves the United States. It is an association for camp owners, camp professionals, and others interested in summer camps and similar camp programs. The ACA is the only nationwide accrediting organization for all types and designs of organized camps, and its standards focus on health, safety, and risk management practices. ACA offers accreditation to camps that meet up to 300 health and safety standards, which are considered best practices throughout the industry.

Summer camps are a cherished U.S. tradition, and each year, thousands of children and teenagers head to summer camps across the country to experience cabin life. ACA members impact the lives of 7.2 million campers and 11,000+ learners annually in their work.

In summary, "AAG camp" could refer to the All American Gymnastics and Super Ninja camp, or it could be a typo for ACA camp, which is a nonprofit organization that accredits summer camps across the United States.

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