what is accumulation in the water cycle

what is accumulation in the water cycle

1 year ago 29

Accumulation in the water cycle refers to the process in which water pools in large bodies and is stored on Earths surface. This can be in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and groundwater. The largest water accumulations are in oceans, which hold nearly 97 percent of the Earths water. Accumulation is the first stage of the water cycle, and it is followed by evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. During accumulation, water is collected and stored until it evaporates and begins the cycle again. The water cycle is driven by the Sun, which heats up water and causes it to evaporate, forming water vapor that rises into the atmosphere. The water vapor then cools and condenses to form clouds, which eventually release precipitation back to the Earths surface. The water that falls from the sky is stored in rivers, lakes, and oceans, which is the last stage of the water cycle. The water cycle is vital to life on Earth, and it is important to conserve and preserve all natural resources, including water.

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