what is adana meat

what is adana meat

1 year ago 41

Adana meat refers to the meat used in Adana kebab, a popular Turkish dish that consists of long, hand-minced meat that is mounted on a wide iron skewer and grilled on an open mangal filled with burning charcoal. The meat used in Adana kebab is traditionally made from the meat of a male lamb that is younger than one year of age, grown in its natural environment and fed with the local flora. The meat should then be cleansed of its silverskin, nerves, and internal fat. After the cleansing, it should be cut into rough shanks and, along with tail fat at a proportion of one to five, be laid to rest for a day. Once the meat is minced, it’s seasoned, skewered, and grilled over charcoal. The meat is richly spiced, flavorful, juicy, and easier to make at home than you might think. Other spices from the region, like coriander and cumin, are mixed in before the meat is shaped over an iron rod.

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