what is agility in physical fitness

what is agility in physical fitness

1 year ago 97

Agility in physical fitness refers to the ability to move and change the direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control. It is a performance-related component of physical fitness, involving rapid whole-body movements with changes in velocity or direction in response to a stimulus. Agility has both movement and reactive elements, meaning it must involve a reaction to a stimulus, such as a goalkeeper reacting and saving a penalty kick in football.

Components of Agility:

  • Change of direction (COD) speed
  • A perceptual and decision-making component, which are determined by various factors, including physical demands (strength and conditioning), cognitive processes (motor learning), and technical skills (biomechanics).

Agility is influenced by:

  • Body balance
  • Coordination
  • The position of the center of gravity
  • Running speed and skill.

Agility training can help improve skills, resulting in enhanced athletic performance. It includes components of learning, focus, balance, and coordination, stimulating richer connections among multiple brain regions by directing them to work together.

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