what is ahmadiyya muslim

what is ahmadiyya muslim

1 year ago 35

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is an Islamic revival or messianic movement that originated in Punjab, British India, in the late 19th century. It was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908), who claimed to have been divinely appointed as both the Promised Mahdi (Guided One) and Messiah expected by Muslims to appear towards the end times and bring about, by peaceful means, the final triumph of Islam. Adherents of the Ahmadiyya are known as Ahmadi Muslims or simply Ahmadis.

Ahmadi thought emphasizes the belief that Islam is the final dispensation for humanity as revealed to Muhammad and the necessity of restoring it to its true intent and pristine form, which had been lost through the centuries. Its adherents consider Ahmad to have appeared as the Mahdi—bearing the qualities of Jesus in accordance with their reading of scriptural prophecies—to revitalize Islam and set in motion its moral system that would bring about lasting peace.

Ahmadi Muslims follow the true teachings of Islam from the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet. They follow the same holy scripture (The Holy Qur’an), and accept that Islam is the final and perfect religion for mankind. They also believe in Prophet Muhammad as Khataman Nabiyyeen (the ‘Seal of the Prophets’) as he was the one who was the best model for mankind who brought God’s final and perfect message for mankind. However, one of the differences from other Muslims is that they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah of the latter days, has arrived, and he founded and established the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889. This was prophesied by the Holy Prophet. Ahmadis also believe in the 5 Pillars of Islam and the Six Articles of Faith, similar to other Muslims. They also believe in the Holy Prophet as the seal of the prophets. However, they believe that another prophet can come after him as a reformer.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the leading Islamic organization to categorically reject terrorism. They believe in the peaceful propagation of Islam and the use of education to peacefully reform Muslims and revive Islam worldwide. The current Khalifa, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, resides in the United Kingdom and serves as the community’s spiritual and administrative head. Under the leadership of khilafat, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has built over 16,000 mosques, 600 schools, and 30 hospitals. It has translated the Holy Quran into over 70 languages. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community propagates Islam’s true teachings of peace and tolerance through a 24-hour satellite television channel (MTA), the Internet, and print. It stands at the forefront of disaster relief worldwide through Humanity First, a non-profit charity. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organizatio...

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