what is air sculpt

what is air sculpt

1 year ago 38

AirSculpt is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that uses cutting-edge technology to pluck fat through a freckle-sized hole. The procedure is a variation of liposuction, but with a much smaller tool used and no anesthesia, although patients are given an oral sedative to help them relax as they stay awake during the procedure. The device gently plucks fat cell by cell, with enhanced precision that minimizes side effects to surrounding areas. AirSculpt is highly customizable, allowing for fat removal and sculpting customized to your goals. The recovery time is much faster than traditional liposuction, and most patients are back to work within a few days of the procedure. Another benefit of AirSculpt technology is that the fat cells remain viable for fat transfer to other body areas. AirSculpt is considered safe in the hands of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.

In summary, AirSculpt is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that uses cutting-edge technology to pluck fat through a freckle-sized hole. It is a variation of liposuction, but with a much smaller tool used and no anesthesia. The procedure is highly customizable, and the recovery time is much faster than traditional liposuction.

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