what is alimi in yoruba

what is alimi in yoruba

1 year ago 34

"Alimi" is a Yoruba name that has different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the meanings of "Alimi" based on the search results:

  • "Alimi" is a Yoruba version of the Arabic name "Aleem", which means knowledgeable or learned or wise.
  • "Alimi" is also one of the 99 names of God in Islam.
  • As a Yoruba name, "Alimi" means "knowledgeable".
  • "Alimi" is a Yoruba surname that is derived from Arabic.
  • "Alimi" is also a title given to a Muslim scholar.

In summary, "Alimi" is a Yoruba name that has different meanings depending on the context, but it generally refers to knowledge or wisdom.

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