what is alpha theory

what is alpha theory

1 year ago 38

Alpha theory, also known as the alpha dog theory, is a now-debunked theory that suggests that within a group of dogs, one will always be trying to assert their dominance over the others, and the dog who asserts their dominance and leads the group is often referred to as the “alpha dog” . The theory was initially based on studies of captive zoo wolves conducted in the 1930s and 1940s by Swiss animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel, in which the scientist concluded that wolves in a pack fight to gain dominance, and the winner is the alpha wolf. However, this theory has been shown to be flawed, and the researchers who popularized the term “alpha” have even rejected their initial theories, acknowledging that it’s misleading when applied to both wolves and dogs.

Recent research has clearly indicated that the longstanding theory which maintained that alpha wolves control through aggression and relentless management is more myth than fact. In fact, humans occupy a position of “super dominance” over dogs. That is, when dogs live with humans, we control so many of their resources and basic needs — down to when and where they can relieve themselves — that they have no choice but to show us deference.

Training dogs using this dominance-based method often results in fear-based aggression, traumatic experiences, and ultimately can lead to a completely broken relationship between dogs and their owners. Therefore, it is important to understand that behaviors are fluid and can change at any time, and dogs mistakenly labeled as “alphas” are often insecure about a particular situation(s) or they just do not know what is expected of them.

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