An AARTO infringement notice is a document issued in terms of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Act, which makes an allegation of a traffic offence or infringement and entices payment by offering a 50% discount on the penalty. The AARTO Act has three stages: the infringement notice, the courtesy letter, and the enforcement order. When a parking fine is issued, the associated infringement notice must be issued and served on the accused within 60 days of the alleged infringement. The alleged infringer has 32 days from the service (or presumed service) of an infringement notice to act. The AARTO Act places the onus on the alleged infringer to take action when receiving an infringement notice or other AARTO document, failing which the practically automated adjudication procedure kicks in. The adjudication procedure is outlined in the AARTO Act and has three stages: representation, review, and appeal. If the representation is successful, the entire infringement, together with any fees that have accrued on it, will be cancelled. If the representation is rejected, the alleged infringer must either pay or apply to the part-time AARTO Tribunal.