An angle grinder, also known as a side grinder or disc grinder, is a handheld power tool used for grinding, cutting, polishing, and sanding. It is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of metal fabrication jobs that include cutting, grinding, deburring, finishing, and polishing. Angle grinders can be powered by an electric motor or compressed air, and they typically have an adjustable guard and a side-handle for two-handed operation. They use abrasive wheels, diamond wheels, metal brush cups, flap discs, and a wide range of other wheel types to accomplish their tasks. There are many different kinds of discs that are used for various materials and tasks, such as cut-off discs (diamond blade), abrasive grinding discs, grinding stones, sanding discs, wire brush wheels, and polishing pads. Angle grinders are widely used in metalworking and construction, emergency rescues, and even for bicycle thefts. They are found in workshops, service garages, and auto body repair shops. The most important factors in choosing the right grinder are the disc size and the power of the motor. Angle grinders are powerful tools and should be used with care. Appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) should be used to protect hands, ears, and eyes, while covering the mouth and nose.