what is an archangel

what is an archangel

1 year ago 31

An archangel is an angel of high rank, and the word "archangel" comes from the Greek word "archangelos," meaning "chief angel". Archangels are the second-lowest rank of angel in the Christian hierarchy of angels, put forward by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 5th or 6th century in his book De Coelesti Hierarchia. The Bible mentions only two archangels by name: Michael and Gabriel. However, some believe that there may be more archangels, but it is best not to presume upon the Word of God by declaring other angels as archangels. Archangels have specific purposes and a higher rank than common angels, and they serve God and carry out His purposes. They are spiritual in nature, rather than corporeal, and possess intelligence, power, and glory. Archangels are sprinkled with purpose during the end of days. Some of their functions and roles include:

  • Leadership: Archangels seem to be the leader of other angels, and they have tasks similar to those of the common angels, but their duties are even higher and more important.

  • Contemplation: Archangels have the task of contemplating God, day and night, glorifying Him incessantly by preserving and protecting His mystery.

  • Warriors: Archangels can also be warriors, as seen in the aforementioned passage about Michael fighting the devil.

  • Messengers: The word "angel" means messenger, and archangels are high messengers, leaders.

The Catholic Church recognizes the existence of only three archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. However, other religious traditions have beings that are very similar to archangels.

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