what is an aw golf club

what is an aw golf club

1 year ago 39

An AW golf club is an approach wedge, also known as a gap wedge, with a loft between a pitching wedge and a sand wedge. It is used by golfers when a pitching wedge is too much club when approaching the green. The loft of an approach wedge typically ranges from 47 to 50 degrees. The AW golf club fills the gap between irons and sand or lob wedges, hence the name "gap wedge". The AW golf club is versatile and can be used for approach shots, chip shots, pitch shots, and bunker shots. The loft of the AW golf club determines the distance it can hit, and it is important to choose a gap wedge that splits the difference between the lofts of the pitching wedge and sand wedge in a golfers set.

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