An Edgerunner is a term used in the Cyberpunk universe to describe someone who lives and operates on the fringes of society, often doing whatever it takes to get by in a harsh world. The term is somewhat general and can be used to describe a variety of roles, including fixers, couriers, and mercenaries. In the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime, the term is used to describe a new role that blurs the line between the Nomad, Netrunner, and Mercenary roles in the franchise. Edgerunners are often hired by fixers to perform various jobs, and they are chosen for their ability to hack computer systems and steal information from databases. They are similar to Netrunners, who specialize in browsing the internet for data systems that contain valuable information they can sell to a fixer. Edgerunners also work in teams and spend a lot of time traveling on the road.
In summary, an Edgerunner is a term used in the Cyberpunk universe to describe someone who lives and operates on the fringes of society, often doing whatever it takes to get by in a harsh world. The term is somewhat general and can be used to describe a variety of roles, including fixers, couriers, and mercenaries. In the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime, the term is used to describe a new role that blurs the line between the Nomad, Netrunner, and Mercenary roles in the franchise.