what is an entendre

what is an entendre

1 year ago 42

A double entendre is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to have a double meaning, of which one is typically obvious, whereas the other often conveys a message that would be too socially awkward, sexually suggestive, or offensive to state directly. A double entendre may exploit puns or word play to convey the second meaning, and generally relies on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning. They often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text. Sometimes a homophone can be used as a pun. When three or more meanings have been constructed, this is known as a "triple entendre".

Double entendres are commonly used in literature, and Shakespeare frequently used them in his plays. They can be used to amuse or humor readers, selecting. Double entendres can be found in song lyrics, movies, and everyday conversations.

In summary, a double entendre is a phrase or sentence that has two possible interpretations, one of which is usually straightforward and obvious, while the other often conveys a message that would be too socially awkward, sexually suggestive, or offensive to state directly.

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