what is an epistle

what is an epistle

1 year ago 40

An epistle is a letter or message that is usually elegant and formal in nature, directed or sent to a person or group of people. The word "epistle" comes from the Greek word "epistolé," which means "letter," "message," or "dispatch". Epistles were a primary form of written communication in the ancient world, especially during New Testament times. Many of the New Testament books were originally written as letters to churches or individuals, and they are referred to as the Epistles. The Epistles of the Bible are all found in the New Testament, and they include 21 of the New Testaments 27 books, extending from Romans to Jude. Thirteen of these Epistles were written by the apostle Paul, and the rest were written by other apostles or family members of Jesus. The purpose of the Epistles is instructional in nature, and they carry weight, with the tone typically being one of teacher to student.

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