what is an erlenmeyer flask used for

what is an erlenmeyer flask used for

1 year ago 116

An Erlenmeyer flask is a type of laboratory flask that is used for mixing, heating, cooling, filtrating, incubating, and storing liquids. It has a broad flat base and a conical body that tapers upward into a cylindrical neck. The shape of the flask helps prevent spillage and caters to a swirling motion to perform titrations. The narrow opening prevents dust contamination and minimizes losses by evaporation. Erlenmeyer flasks are named after Emil Erlenmeyer, a German chemist who created them in 1860. They are also known as conical flasks or titration flasks. Erlenmeyer flasks are different from beakers in that they are typically used for holding, mixing, measuring, heating, and boiling chemicals, chemical reactions, and phase changes, while beakers are mainly used for measuring and transporting liquid. Erlenmeyer flasks can be made of glass or plastic and come in a wide range of volumes. They are also used in microbiology for the preparation of microbial cultures, and those used in cell culture are sterilized and may feature vented closures to enhance gas exchange during incubation and shaking. Erlenmeyer flasks are also used in homebrewing for yeast starters.

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