what is an indigo child

what is an indigo child

1 year ago 111

Indigo children are a concept in New Age spirituality that refers to children who are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The idea of indigo children has been interpreted in various ways, ranging from their being the next stage in human evolution to possessing paranormal abilities such as telepathy. Some of the traits that are commonly associated with indigo children include:

  • Empathic, curious, and strong-willed
  • Often perceived by friends and family as being strange
  • Possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose
  • Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas)
  • Have a strong feeling of entitlement, or deserving to be here
  • High intelligence quotient

It is important to note that the concept of indigo children is not supported by scientific evidence and is considered pseudoscientific. Some experts have cautioned against using the concept of indigo children to deny or feel better about their childrens neurological disorders.

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