An interview guide is a document that organizations use to structure the way they conduct their candidate interviews. It helps interviewers to know what to ask about and in what order, and it ensures a consistent candidate experience for all applicants. The content of the interview guide will differ depending on factors such as the role being hired for, the interview method being used, and specific organizational requirements.
Using an interview guide during the hiring process has several benefits, including creating a structured process that reduces the chances of people forgetting to ask candidates certain questions or give them certain information. Ideally, the interview guide is part of a well-structured selection process that is aligned with every part of that process, such as the requirements for a new position as specified in the job description.
An interview guide typically includes the following elements:
- Information about the company and position
- Sample questions or question types
- Follow-up questions
- Rating-specific criteria
- Details about the interview workflow
- Candidate communication
- Scheduling protocols
- Interview environment (seating, video interviewing details, etc.)
Interview guides are the roadmap to ensure every interview conducted for a particular position is consistent and focused. They go beyond outlining the interview questions and should cover rules and policies, evaluation, and much more. Interview guides also document the process and give interviewers something to stay accountable to.
Every interview guide is unique and should be tailored to the organization and position being hired for. The best interview guides are precise and provide interviewers with as much information as possible to reduce ambiguity.