what is an intrinsic property

what is an intrinsic property

1 year ago 40

An intrinsic property is a property that a thing has of itself, including its context, and is independent of the amount of the substance present. In science and engineering, intrinsic properties are dependent mainly on the fundamental chemical composition and structure of the material, and are independent of how much of a material is present and the form of the material. In differential geometry, intrinsic properties of surfaces depend only on the coefficients of the first fundamental form and are related only to the surface itself, whereas extrinsic properties depend on how the surface is embedded in a higher-dimensional space. Intrinsic properties are fundamental in understanding Kantian deontological ethics, which is based upon the argument that an action should be viewed on its intrinsic value (the value of the action in itself) with regard to ethics and morality, as opposed to consequentialist utilitarian arguments that an action should be viewed by the value of its outcomes). Examples of intrinsic properties include melting point, boiling point, density, odor, and color. Extrinsic properties, on the other hand, are properties that depend on a things relationship with other things).

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