what is an ordinance in animal crossing

what is an ordinance in animal crossing

1 year ago 135

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, an ordinance is a rule that you can set for your island to customize its functioning and appearance. There are four types of ordinances available, and you can only have one active at a time. The available ordinances are:

  • Beautiful Island: This ordinance reduces the number of weeds, prevents cockroaches from appearing in your home, and encourages villagers to water flowers. Additionally, no trash will be fished up from the sea.

  • Early Bird: With this ordinance, your islands shops and facilities will open earlier in the morning, allowing you to start your day earlier.

  • Night Owl: This ordinance shifts the opening hours of your island's shops and facilities to later in the day, accommodating players who prefer to play during the evening or night.

  • Bell Boom: The Bell Boom ordinance increases the number of Bells you receive from selling items, making it easier to accumulate wealth in the game.

To unlock ordinances, you first need to upgrade your island enough to unlock Resident Services, which will bring Isabelle to your island. Setting up an ordinance requires a payment of 20,000 Bells, and Isabelle will guide you through the process.

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