what is an ozone machine

what is an ozone machine

1 year ago 109

An ozone machine, also known as an ozone generator or ozone air purifier, is a device that produces ozone (O3) to help reduce the presence of airborne contaminants. Ozone is a gas containing three oxygen atoms, and it is highly reactive, allowing it to attach to airborne organic contaminants and oxidize and eliminate them. However, ozone can be dangerous to our health, especially our lungs, and can exceed health standards even when one follows the manufacturers instructions. Ozone generators work by filtering oxygen (O2), then using an electrical charge to break apart oxygen molecules, encouraging them to reform as oxygen and ozone. There are two methods used to generate ozone: corona discharge and UV light. While ozone generators can deliver fast results, they are not recommended for use in occupied spaces and should only be used in unoccupied spaces.

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