what is animal tissue

what is animal tissue

1 year ago 31

Animal tissue refers to groups of similar cells that work together to perform specific functions in animals/03%3A_The_Cellular_Basis_of_Life/3.13%3A_Animal_Tissues). There are four primary types of animal tissue: epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissue/03%3A_The_Cellular_Basis_of_Life/3.13%3A_Animal_Tissues).

  • Epithelial tissue: This type of tissue lines the internal and external surfaces of organs and bodies, and functions in absorption and secretion/03%3A_The_Cellular_Basis_of_Life/3.13%3A_Animal_Tissues).

  • Connective tissue: Connective tissue connects, attaches, supports, binds, and protects different structures in the body.

  • Muscular tissue: This type of tissue is responsible for movement and locomotion, supporting bones and other structures, and peristalsis and parturition.

  • Nervous tissue: Nervous tissue is responsible for transmitting and processing information in the body.

Each type of animal tissue has its own unique structure, function, and origin. These tissues combine to form organs, which have specific, specialized functions within the body.

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