Another word for remembering the past is "reminiscing". Other synonyms for remembering include "recall," "recollect," and "remind". Here are some additional synonyms for remembering:
- Commemorate
- Dig into the past
- Have memories
- Look back
- Refresh memory
- Retrospect
- Reminisce
- Recall
- Recollect
- Recognize
- Relive
- Remind
- Bethink
- Cite
- Educe
- Elicit
- Enshrine
- Extract
- Memorialize
- Memorize
- Mind
- Retain
- Revive
- Revoke
- Treasure
- Bear in mind
- Brood over
- Call to mind
- Call up
- Conjure up
- Dwell upon
- Fix in the mind
- Flash on
- Go back
- Hold dear
- Keep forever
- Know by heart
- Nail down
- Ring a bell
- Strike a note
- Summon up
- Think back
Note that "reminisce" is often used for joyful recollection of past events, while other synonyms for remembering can be used for recalling memories that evoke sadness or other emotions.