what is antimatter

what is antimatter

1 year ago 40

Antimatter is a type of matter composed of antiparticles, which are the opposite of the corresponding particles in "ordinary" matter. For example, an electron, which has a negative charge, has an antimatter partner known as a positron. When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate each other and produce energy. Antimatter was created along with matter after the Big Bang, but it is rare in todays universe. Humans have created antimatter particles using ultra-high-speed collisions at huge particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider. Antimatter is an essential component of widely-available applications related to beta decay, such as positron emission tomography, radiation therapy, and industrial imaging. The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science’s High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics programs have supported research on antimatter for decades as part of DOE’s involvement in fundamental physics research. The biggest mystery about antimatter is why it isnt everywhere, given that scientific theories predict that the Big Bang should have created the same amount of matter and antimatter.

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