APKPure is a website where you can download open-source Android applications, files, and games. It was launched in 2014 and is one of the oldest and most popular alternatives to Google Play. Unlike Google Play, APKPure lets you install country-specific apps outside your location, and you can find restricted or discontinued apps and games. However, APKPure is an unofficial platform for downloading apps, and there is no 100% safety guarantee on the apps downloaded from it. While the APKPure App Store claims to verify apps, the general lack of security protocols means that apps available on APKPure could contain vulnerabilities like malware. APKPure is legal, but the site may contain illegal content, such as cracked or pirated apps.
In summary, APKPure is a website where you can download Android applications, files, and games. While it is legal and offers some advantages over Google Play, it is an unofficial platform, and there is a risk of downloading malicious apps.