To find the area code of your location, you can use one of the following methods:
Visit and click on the map or search below. Your location can be determined in several ways. First, the website looks at your general area which is often enough to find the area code of your location. To get your exact location, share your GPS location. If your location is incorrect, enter your address or click the map to find the area code of an address or find the area code of a point on the map. If multiple area codes are listed, most of the phone numbers for the area were in use at one point. These area codes serve the same area.
Visit and enter your phone number, area code, or city and state. The website will show you a map of the entire area served, the timezone, and a list of cities and counties served by the area code. Plus, you can see the most frequently used telephone carriers and how many of the prefixes have been allocated for use. From the prefix, you can get an even more precise origin of a phone call and the phone company that originally issued the numbers with each prefix.
Visit and allow permission to use your location when prompted by your browser. The website will show your area code, and a red marker will show your location on Google Maps. This page is optimized for fast loading on a mobile device so that you can quickly answer "Area Code of my location." To find the area code by address or city on a fully interactive Google Map, use the Area Codes map tool.
Note that area codes are the first three digits (or prefix) of US and Canadian 10-digit telephone numbers.