what is ascp certification

what is ascp certification

1 year ago 41

The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC) is an administratively independent credentialing agency that prepares relevant standards and develops procedures that will assure the competence of non-physician medical laboratory personnel. The ASCP BOC credentials those individuals who meet the academic and clinical prerequisites and who achieve acceptable performance levels on examinations. The ASCP BOC is widely accepted as the most influential leader in the field of certification of medical laboratory professionals and has credentialed more than 610,000 individuals.

The ASCP BOC offers a variety of certifications, including Technologist in Blood Banking, Technologist in Chemistry, Technologist in Cytogenetics, Cytotechnologist, Diplomate in Laboratory Management, Histotechnician, Histotechnologist, Medical Laboratory Assistant, and Medical Laboratory Scientist. All ASCP certifying exams are multiple-choice, computer-adaptive tests (CATs), which means that the difficulty of the test will adapt to the candidates performance as they take the exam.

ASCP certifications last three years, and in order to renew a certification, referred to as credential maintenance, the holder must complete certain requirements. The ASCP BOC is accredited by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) for certification programs where certificants complete the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) .

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